Jinhua Haixingyun Liquid Cooling Server Room
Release time:2024-03-28 09:42:53


Project Overview

This project is a pilot project of Haixing Cloud in Zhejiang Province. By adopting KeenCool single-phase immersion liquid cooling technology and products, Haixing Cloud 4090 high-density configuration is achieved. By further integrating AI technology, more flexible cloud services are achieved, while strengthening the application of cloud desktops in remote work and collaboration fields to meet the market's demand for convenient and efficient office solutions.


Construction scale

A total of 180KW, and nine phases of projects will be carried out in the Zhejiang region to expand the scale of liquid cooling applications

Deployment plan

6 KCS-032 high-performance liquid cooling cabinets

Deployment mode

Adopting a fully prefabricated modular assembly model, it can achieve rapid deployment, deployment, and flexible expansion of liquid cooling systems.

Energy saving effect

PUE1.17 (load rate below 40%)